A touch of outer space in my prayers
Nader Sabry, the CEO and founder of TIMEZ5 Global Inc.
Sabry also revealed that those who used the mat, experience 63 per cent pain relief within three days of usage.
It would seem that all it takes for a great idea to materialise out of thin air is a moment of observation.
For Nader Sabry, the CEO and founder of TIMEZ5 Global Inc, watching an elderly man praying led to the creation of the world’s first physiological prayer and meditation mat.
“The inspiration of the TIMEZ5 prayer mat is based on an experience I had when I saw an old man praying, and who was in a lot pain. Regardless of the pain, his devotion kept him going. This stopped me to try to understand why. From our research, we found that those who pray frequently have different biomechanics and physiology. Beyond that our extensive research into ergonomics also helped us create a connection in understanding how daily ergonomics impact a body’s physiology and biomechanics,” said Sabry.
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“Our early findings, that shaped our developments, had shown that those who regularly pray and meditate are fundamentally different; the physical challenges they face over time are different; and their incentives for physical health is predominately spiritual,” he explained. “All this combined helped us design the TIMEZ5 prayer mat.”
Sabry also revealed that those who used the mat, experience 63 per cent pain relief within three days of usage.
“?We are a NASA space certified technology company, among a small group of 43 companies globally, who have successfully implemented and worked with technology first developed by NASA for use in space. This technology is an antimicrobial and nanotech fabric designed to protect the skin and respiratory system. In other terms, we use space high performance materials originally used in astronauts’ suits to design the prayer mat that helps people pray and meditate with less pain, achieve a better posture, and enhance the body energy,” he explained.
The company has been operating for four years and caters to 35 markets today. Recently opening up in Kenya earlier this year, the company also has plans to target two major markets by the end of this year. “Within the next 60 days, we are launching our Muslim physiology course as a digital product exclusively for our customers, and the medical community shortly after will open it up to the public,” Sabry said.
He also talked about how the halal retail sector is today a fast, dynamic, and growing ?sector. “In many senses, it is still traditional, but innovation is creeping in and changing many aspects of how the Muslim lifestyle is being addressed. Innovation requires a lot of education, and many companies are still reluctant to invest in their customers, and so continue to deliver substandard products and services. This will change within the next few years,” he said.
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