How many growth hacking experiments and profitable
How many growth hacking experiments does it take to be Profitable – Access this in-depth report on never revealed secrets of +500 companies and +5000 participants who have successful 10x their growth. Learn from the best, and how you can adopt this into your organization. Whether a startup, a corporate, or even a government, you will benefit.
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Benchmark data used to base measures optimal configuration of outcomes, resources, and execution for growth hacks. This helps growth hackers measure their success, but also to adjust their efforts. By doing this, it enables growth hackers to make better decisions, by lowering cost, risk, and efforts for better outcomes.
This benchmark study aims to identify the most optimal number of growth hacking experiments for the best return on investment, taking into account all factors. These factors are designed into inputs such as execution and resource measures and then finally, outcome measures illustrating the results from those efforts.
The most optimal range of experiments is between 51 to 100 with the most optimal inputs from resources and execution perspective best outcome measures yielding 4x more ROI than smaller volumes of tests but 12x less than large volumes. Although the outcomes are less than a large volume of growth hacking experiments, the execution efforts and risks taken are much less; therefore, 51 to 100 is the most optimal segment of measures taken.
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“Ready Set Growth Hack:
A beginners guide to growth hacking success”
Learn more about the author Nader Sabry